This or That Questions for Kids

"This or That" questions are a really fun way to engage and get to know your kids! It's the perfect game for the dinner table or a road trip.

Here are 20 great questions to get you started!

This or That Questions 

1. Play baseball or football? 2. Give up your favorite fast food or give up candy? 3. Be able to read minds or see the future? 4. Get every new LEGO set for free, or get every new video game for free? 5. Be the best in the world at Rock, Paper, Scissors, or be the best jump roper?

Would you rather...

This or That Questions 

6. Have 15 mosquito bites or one bee sting? 7. Live in a cave or a tree house? 8. Have to wear the same outfit every day, or only be able to wear each outfit once? 9. Be able to talk to dogs or cats? 10. Eat a hot pepper or a sour lemon?

Would you rather...

This or That Questions 

11. Batman or superman? 12. Spinach or brussels sprouts? 13. Eat ice cream for breakfast or pancakes for dinner? 14. Tater tots or french fries? 15. Drink everything with your ears or eat everything with your belly button?

Would you rather...

This or That Questions 

16. Have your body covered in fur or feathers? 17. Fight 100 rat-sized zebras or 1 zebra-sized rat? 18. Be fireproof or be able to breathe underwater? 19. Super speed or super strength? 20. Have tiny hands and huge feet or huge hands and tiny feet?

Would you rather...

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